Publications & Resources

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DULCE’s Anti-Racist Approach

May 2021

To achieve a just and equitable society in which all infants and their families thrive, anti-racist approaches must be explicitly designed to address the racial health inequities of infants and their families. Learn how DULCE does this via animated video.  


Strengthening Families State Profile: Kentucky

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Kentucky as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Indiana

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Illinois as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Arizona

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Arizona as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Alaska

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Alaska as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Alabama

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Alabama as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: North Carolina

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in North Carolina as well as additional information on infrastructure, parent partnerships, ensuring accountability, deepening knowledge, shifting practice, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Maine

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Maine as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Implementation in Home Visiting

May 2021

This brief offers information on how Strengthening Families is used in home visiting, as well as the resources available for implementing Strengthening Families into home visiting in various states.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Implementation in Child Welfare

May 2021

This brief offers information on how Strengthening Families is used in child welfare systems, as well as the resources available for implementing Strengthening Families into child welfare systems in various states.

(2 pp)