This report explores Strengthening Families’ four big ideas and protective factors and how they interplay with ECE programs.
(2 pp)
This report explores Strengthening Families’ four big ideas and protective factors and how they interplay with ECE programs.
(2 pp)
This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in South Carolina as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.
(2 pp)
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes a historic one-year expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC), providing much-needed concrete support to families with children. This webinar discussed the benefit as well as steps to take to ensure that this expanded benefit reaches the children who need it most, including children in Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and immigrant communities, and is made permanent.
What is included in the NEW version of the nationally-adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening and Support? Learn about what it means to be a quality Family Strengthening and Support Program building the Protective Factors, and how the revised Standards support programs to advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
This infographic is a map that charts the implementation strategies for ECE, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Child Welfare Systems, and Home Visiting across the country.
(3 pp)
This podcast explores some of the dramatic changes taking place across the country as people work to reinforce a sense of community, support young children and families, and work to build equity within communities.
Season 4
Season 3
Season 2
Season 1
This webinar focuses on the report, "A Prenatal to Three Blueprint for Child Well-being and Child Welfare Prevention: Building a Primary Prevention Continuum to Support the Health and Well-Being of Children Prenatal to Three," including guiding principles and strategies for building and enhancing a comprehensive continuum that meets the needs of young children and their families.
To support the health and well-being of children and families of color, we must implement comprehensive strategies that address systemic and institutional racism. This report offers a blueprint for creating equity-centered, anti-racist policies that support the health and well-being of children and families of color.
(31 pp)
In this brief, we see how the Early Childhood Alliance (ECA) of Onondaga County both capitalized on early momentum to quickly unroll a diverse menu of programs, and also started to undertake the slow, difficult work of making sure their efforts include and reflect the people these programs seek to help.
(7 pp)
This brief tells how two Partner in Prevention teams used tools from Early Learning Nation, CSSP, and the National League of Cities to develop and begin implementing an Early Learning Community Action Plan.
(8 pp)