Publications & Resources

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Promoting Equity and Building Protective Factors: Opportunities in the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative

October 2018

Where available, this brief includes links to related resources that States can use to inform specific activities and strategies in response to the PDG B-5 requirements.


Guidance for Strengthening Families States: Opportunities to Promote Equity and Build Protective Factors

October 2018

This brief highlights specific opportunities in the PDG B-5 FOA for States to incorporate Strengthening Families into their applications.

Policy Paper

Moving to High Quality Child Care for All: Addressing Inequities through CCDBG State Plans

October 2018

As States begin implementing their required CCDBG triennial plans for 2019-2021, Child Care Administrators and other State policy leaders should use this opportunity to improve the quality of, and expand access to, child care for low-income families of color.


CSSP Makes Policy Recommendations to Achieve Racial Equity in Child Welfare

June 2015

In this video, Megan Martin introduces a new paper highlighting policy strategies that have shown promise in improving outcomes for children and families of color in child welfare systems.


Fight for Our Girls

March 2018

This video introduces CSSP's series seeking to shift the narrative surrounding girls of color and status offenses from a focus on delinquency and misbehavior to structural discrimination, trauma, and youth well-being.


getREAL Webinar: Implicit Bias Research: Understanding the Dynamics of Unconscious Associations

January 2015

This webinar provides an introduction to the science of implicit bias. Viewers will learn about the formation of implicit associations as well as the key dynamics of this social psychological phenomenon.


getREAL Webinar: #BornPerfect

June 2015

In this webinar, Samantha Ames gives an overview of so-called “conversion therapy” and provide tools for attendees to become advocates to end these dangerous and discredited practices.


getREAL Webinar: Allegheny

June 2015

This webinar provides participants with information about work done the first two years of getR.E.A.L Allegheny. It details the progress, challenges, successes, and opportunities the project affords children and families.


Starting with the Numbers: The Importance of Data Collection & Analysis in System Efforts to Eliminate Racial/Ethnic Disparities

May 2016

In this webinar, Deputy Commissioner Michael Williams and his colleagues discusse their work to develop and operationalize data-driven strategies to address racial disparities in the state’s child welfare system.


Predictive Analytics in the Child Welfare System: Starting with the Basics

September 2016

This webinar introduces the use of predictive analytics, how states are designing and implementing the technology, considerations to identify and reduce racial bias, and information from other public systems.