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Policy Paper

Supporting the First 1,000 Days of A Child’s Life: An Anti-Racist Blueprint for Early Childhood Well-Being and Child Welfare Prevention

February 2021

To support the health and well-being of children and families of color, we must implement comprehensive strategies that address systemic and institutional racism. This report offers a blueprint for creating equity-centered, anti-racist policies that support the health and well-being of children and families of color.

(31 pp)


Coalition-Building, Fast and Slow: The Early Childhood Alliance of Onondaga County

February 2021

In this brief, we see how the Early Childhood Alliance (ECA) of Onondaga County both capitalized on early momentum to quickly unroll a diverse menu of programs, and also started to undertake the slow, difficult work of making sure their efforts include and reflect the people these programs seek to help.

(7 pp)


Expanding Prevention Partnerships to Become an Early Learning Community: Two Counties’ Experiences in West Virginia

February 2021

This brief tells how two Partner in Prevention teams used tools from Early Learning Nation, CSSP, and the National League of Cities to develop and begin implementing an Early Learning Community Action Plan.

(8 pp)


Strengthening the Social and Emotional Health of California’s Young Children—Executive Summary

February 2021

This executive summary gives an overview of three major sets of strategies that could be adopted relatively quickly to 1) establish greater accountability for child health among California’s Medi-Cal managed care plans; 2) realize the full potential of Medicaid’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit for California’s children; and 3) elevate a focus on children among the managed care plans and the State Medicaid agency. 

Read the Full Report here.

(57 pp)


Strengthening the Social and Emotional Health of California’s Young Children: Medi-Cal Strategies and Options for Creating an Advanced Child Health Delivery System

February 2021

This report identifies three major sets of strategies that could be adopted relatively quickly to 1) establish greater accountability for child health among California’s Medi-Cal managed care plans; 2) realize the full potential of Medicaid’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit for California’s children; and 3) elevate a focus on children among the managed care plans and the State Medicaid agency. 

Read the Executive Summary here.

(57 pp)


CWARE Public Discussion: History of Racism in Child Welfare

January 2021

CSSP Senior Associates Alexandra Citrin and Shadi Houshyar  joined First Focus on Children's Aubrey Edwards-Luce for a conversation about the history of racism within the child welfare system. This conversation was live streamed on January 29, 2021.


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Murphy Progress Report (January 1 – June 30, 2020)

January 2021

This report measures the progress of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of January 1 through June 30, 2020.

(100 pp)


Community Development and Early Childhood: Partnering for Better Outcomes

January 2021

Attendees learned about a project bringing early childhood partners together with housing and community development providers to better serve families with young children. This webinar also provided information about what these partners have to offer each other and how they can work together to improve outcomes for young children

Community Development and Early Childhood Jan. 14 webinar: Partnering for Better Outcomes thumbnail.

An Ecosystem to Build Power and Advance Health and Racial Equity—Executive Summary

December 2020

This executive summary describes a range of strategies and tactics that were used by grassroots organizing groups, policy advocates, and other partners to secure policy changes, system improvements, and other tangible benefits for communities in California over the past decade.

Read the full report.

(53 pp)

An Ecosystem to Build Power and Advance Health and Racial Equity Executive Summary thumbnail.

An Ecosystem to Build Power and Advance Health and Racial Equity

December 2020

This report describes a range of strategies and tactics that were used by grassroots organizing groups, policy advocates, and other partners to secure policy changes, system improvements, and other tangible benefits for communities in California over the past decade.

Read the executive summary.

(53 pp)