This report provides an assessment of the State of Kansas’ progress towards achieving the Performance Goals, Practice Improvements, and Outcomes of the McIntyre v. Howard Settlement Agreement for calendar year 2023.
(144 pp)
This report provides an assessment of the State of Kansas’ progress towards achieving the Performance Goals, Practice Improvements, and Outcomes of the McIntyre v. Howard Settlement Agreement for calendar year 2023.
(144 pp)
This report covers the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement (FSA) entered in Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Leach, for the period April 1-September 30, 2023.
(129 pp)
In this webinar, community providers discuss the challenges they face in providing responsive services, including building evidence and operating in the context of restrictive “evidence-based” standards, as well as recommendations for actions state and federal policymakers can take to ensure all families have the support they need through expanding access and availability of programs that are developed by and for communities of color.
Read the report here.
Ensuring child and family well-being requires a radically different, anti-racist response of supports that center the voices of diverse children and families of color, are dignified and strengths-based, and that are offered in spaces they trust. As this brief highlights, community-based organizations across the country are striving to answer that call despite numerous barriers. This brief lifts up the voices of those community providers, with the goal of highlighting and addressing the barriers that stand in the way of all families having the support they need.
Watch the webinar here.
(19 pp)
This is the Co-Neutrals’ third Kevin S. report on the State’s efforts to achieve the commitments of the FSA. Overall, in 2022, the State remained far behind the FSA timelines for most commitments. The FSA was structured with Implementation Targets (ITs) due to be completed in the first years of the reform as the foundation for improved outcomes (Target Outcomes, TOs) for New Mexico’s children, youth, and families.
This report covers the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement (FSA) entered in Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Leach, for the period October 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023.
(140 pp)
This report was submitted to the Court and the public by the Co-Monitors in response to the escalating DSS placement crisis. It includes a summary and analysis of recent information collected, along with short-, medium-, and long-term recommendations for ways to address the underlying causes of the instability being experienced by children and families engaged with the South Carolina Department of Social Services.
(30 pp)
This report measures the progress of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of April 25 – October 25, 2023. This release is the final report by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), the court-appointed Monitor in the federal class action lawsuit Charlie and Nadine H. v. Murphy, and marks the successful conclusion of almost two decades of work to improve New Jersey’s child welfare system.
(53 pp)
The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) includes new provisions which should eliminate some of the barriers former foster youth have experienced in accessing SNAP. This brief explains the new rules and the steps that state agencies can take to ensure that former foster youth are able to access the critical nutrition assistance they are now owed.
This brief updates a version originally published in 2016.
(11 pp)
This report assesses the State of Kansas’ progress toward achieving the Performance Goals, Practice Improvements, and Outcomes of the McIntyre v. Howard Settlement Agreement (referred to herein as the Settlement Agreement or Agreement) for calendar year 2022 (CY 2022).