Publications & Resources

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Willis & Friends—The New AAP Policy Statement Advances Relational Health

August 2021

The third conversation in this series discussed the American Academy of Pediatrics’ updated policy statement "Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress: Partnering with Families and Communities to Promote Relational Health."

Ensuring Families Receive the Child Tax Credit

July 2021

This webinar, from the Automatic Benefit for Children (ABC) Coalition, shared innovative outreach strategies to raise awareness about the child tax credit and how families can sign up. 

Ensuring Families Receive the Child Tax Credit thumbnail.

Willis & Friends: The Power of Two: Early Relational Health Healing and Community Building

July 2021

In our second conversation in this livestream series, panelists will discuss the impacts of trauma on caregivers and children by partnering directly with families to deliver evidence-based Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) parent coaching program. This conversation will examine Power of Two's efforts in the focal NYC communities of Brownsville, Brooklyn and Highbridge/Concourse and Hunts Point in the Bronx, as well as the inspiration and vision from their co-founder two Community Ambassadors who are graduates of the program.

Early Childhood System Performance Assessment Toolkit

July 2021

Updated in 2021, this toolkit includes guidance and tools to use to assess how well a local early childhood system is working to improve the reach of early childhood services, promote coordination among those services, increase the community’s commitment to early childhood, and advance equity and parent engagement. 

This is the full toolkit. You can view the component parts of the toolkit here.

(87 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Washington State

June 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Washington State as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: California

June 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in California as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Michigan

June 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Michigan as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Willis & Friends: Reach Out and Read: Learning the Vitals Signs of ERH

In our first conversation in this livestream series, panelists will discuss the development of an initial set of training modules and materials for ROR pediatricians about observing autonomic emotional connection as learned from the key elements within the Welch Emotional Connection Scale (WECS). These observations have opened groundbreaking discussions about how ROR pediatricians can partner with families to support their foundational relationships as pediatric care moves toward advancing "relationships as a vital sign."

To Reach Every Child, the Child Tax Credit Eligibility Requirements Must Be Changed

June 2021

This brief, co-authored by CSSP and the Children's Defense Fund, describes the Child Tax Credit (CTC), rules and restrictions that govern it, and what we believe must happen to ensure that all children, youth, and families are receiving critical benefits to help them thrive.

(3 pp)

To Reach Every Child, the Child Tax Credit Eligibility Requirements Must Be Changed thumbnail.

Factors Associated with First and Repeat Births Among Females Emancipating From Foster Care

June 2021

CSSP’s Youth Power, Parent Power initiative partnered with New Jersey’s Montclair State University and the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) on a youth-driven research project to explore the risk and protective factors associated with first and repeat births among females emancipating from foster care. Young parents with lived experience identified the research questions, analyzed the data, co-wrote an article about the research findings, and, using the research findings, co-presented on a national webinar. The article was published by the Journal of Children and Youth Services Review. Please read the article by clicking here.