Elisa Minoff
Senior Policy Analyst
She, Her, Hers
View Elisa’s condensed bio here.
I advance our policy work—analyzing and providing technical assistance on anti-poverty policies, with a focus on how they affect immigrant families and communities of color. I have written on the economic benefits of unauthorized workers receiving legal status, the role of race in immigration and child welfare policy, and the discriminatory effects of work requirements and other restrictions on public benefits.
I do this work because
I believe all families should be economically secure and able to pursue their dreams.
I am most proud of
Completing my Ph.D. in history, which gave me the opportunity to think deeply about the roots of present-day economic and racial inequities.
Work History
- Consultant, Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality, Economic Security and Opportunity Initiative
- Assistant Professor of History, University of South Florida St. Petersburg
- Research Associate for Task Force on Poverty, Center for American Progress
Education and Awards
- Ph.D. in History, Harvard University
- B.A., Princeton University
- Cromwell Dissertation Prize, American Society for Legal History
When the day is done
I enjoy going on long walks in Rock Creek Park with my husband and two little girls.
- Care for Kids: Supporting Young Children and Valuing Care Providers
- Unrestricted Cash: A Lifeline for Young People and Families
- Census Data Underscores Need for Expanded CTC, Other Family Supports—Even in a Strong Economy
- The Biden Administration’s New TANF Rule: a Pragmatic Step Forward
- Explainer: Why Racial Disparities in IRS Auditing Practices are an Urgent Matter of Family Economic Security
- Child Poverty Doubled Last Year–We Owe Children So Much More
- In Search of a Humane Immigration Policy
- The Biden Administration’s Budget Recognizes that Investments in Families Are Long Overdue: Now Let’s Get To Work
- New Data Confirms Cash Assistance Helps Lift Families from Poverty
- One Path to a Child Allowance: Reforming the Child Tax Credit
- It Is Time for an Official Measure of Economic Well-Being
- Total System Failure: The Immigration System at the Southern Border
- New Data Reveal Need For Bold Action to Promote Family Economic Security
- Recent Worksite Immigration Raids are Inhumane
- If You Want to Help Kids, Don’t Impose Work Tests on Programs that Meet their Basic Needs
- Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Part of a Long U.S. History of Ripping Families Apart
- Children Belong with their Families
- Institutional Racism and the Urgent Need to Transform Public Systems that Separate Families
- Comment Period Begins Today for Public Charge Rule That Threatens Immigrant Communities
- Trump Administration Seeks to Jail Immigrant Children and Families Indefinitely
- House to Vote on Farm Bill that Would Impose New Work Requirements on Families with Children
- Michigan Medicaid Work Requirement Would Discriminate Against Communities of Color
- Strategies to Compensate Unpaid Caregivers: A Policy Scan
- Explainer: Why Racial Disparities in IRS Auditing Practices are an Urgent Matter of Family Economic Security
- Designed to Keep You Down: TANF Creates Obstacles for Families Even as it Provides Critical Support
- Supporting Youth Aging Out of Foster Care through SNAP
- The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): A Vital Resource for Children, Youth, and Families
- Let Us Rise: How Parents and Caregivers Would Design a Permanent Child Allowance to Advance Racial and Economic Justice
- The Biden Administration’s Budget Recognizes Investments in Families Are Long Overdue: Now Let’s Get To Work
- The Child Tax Credit & Family Economic Security: Findings from the Center for the Study of Social Policy’s Survey of Families with Children
- How States Used COVID Relief Funding to Engage Child Care Stakeholders: Five Lessons for Policymakers
- Where Do We Go From Here?: How Temporary Investments in the Child Tax Credit & Child Care Impacted North Carolina Families, and the Road Ahead
- “We Don’t Have that in Mississippi”: How Temporary Expansions of the Child Tax Credit & Child Care Demonstrate the Importance of Federal Investments & Oversight
- The Child Care Paradox: How Child Care Providers Balance Paid and Un-Paid Caregiving
- A ‘Godsend’: How Temporary Investments in the Child Tax Credit and Child Care Impacted Michigan Families
- Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect
- The Lasting Legacy of Exclusion: How the Law that Brought Us Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Excluded Immigrant Families & Institutionalized Racism in our Social Support System
- The American Rescue Plan’s Child Tax Credit: Advancing Equity and Laying the Foundation for a Child Allowance
- What We Owe Young Children: An Anti-Racist Policy Platform for Early Childhood
- Stronger Together: Building an Inclusive System of Supports for Immigrant Families During the Pandemic, and Always
- Paid Leave for All
- Economic Security in Good Times and Bad: COVID-19 Demonstrates Why We Need a Child Allowance
- The Racist Roots of Work Requirements
- What do “Work Requirements” Actually Require? A look at programs that meet families’ basic needs in Montgomery County, Maryland
- What do “Work Requirements” Actually Require?—INFOGRAPHIC
- Our Future Together: A Framework for an Equitable Immigration System that Protects and Promotes the Well-Being of Families
- Entangled Roots: The Role of Race in Policies that Separate Families